3D Printed Quality Prototypes, Fast

Entrepix works with many R&D companies to create high-quality metal or plastic prototype parts on tight turnaround time. Entrepix currently uses 3D printing, and is moving toward acquiring the technology for direct metal laser sintering.

What Is Additive Manufacturing?

Additive manufacturing uses computer-aided-design (CAD) software or 3D scanners to instruct printers to build an object one thin layer at a time. Instead of conventional subtractive manufacturing, which starts with large pieces of material that are shaped into parts by removal, additive manufacturing builds pieces layer by layer. Metals, plastics, and composites are supplied as powders and bond to each layer as they are printed.

Because 3D printing does not require the machinery or special techniques of traditional manufacturing, it is an agile, cost-effective solution for creating sophisticated parts on a quick turnaround at a much lower cost.

Need a part 3D printed quickly?

Entrepix can do that for you.